"No matter where I serve my guests, it seems they like my kitchen best" -something I saw on my mom's kitchen wall as a kid, author unknown

I’m In the Desert…

So, when I say that I’m taking a small hiatus? Don’t believe me, friends – just don’t. Life has been a whirlwind this past year! Remember all that talk about moving to Colorado? Well, we did it! I’m near my friends and we are now surrounded by beautiful, mountainy goodness – well at least for Michael and Kahlynne. Phoebs is back in PA with her dad and I am in Phoenix for school. I’m kind of sad to be so far from my friends (especially my bff) – again… but it’s for a good cause, I keep telling myself. Crazy changes, huh? The desert is being pretty good to me so far, though I have found that I have an interesting fear of scorpions. It seems that I suddenly realized that scorpions live in the desert and, OMG, I am now in the desert – so, I’m afraid they are going to attack my feet. ALL OF THEM!

How creepy - with babies even!

Okay, so really I need to thank Apple. Apple, I read your blog today and began to think to myself, “Self? Where the hell are you and why did you stop blogging?” I couldn’t find a good and reasonable answer to my question, so I decided to immediately jump back in. Now that all three of you are excited to see that I plan to continue writing, let me tell you a little bit about what I’m doing in school. I’m really excited.

Firstly, I’m in school for something I LOVE. Graphics. Manipulating them, taking many of them and making new designs, altering them etc. All to convey a message. Okay, so that’s the deep down, raw part of what I love to do. My major is Digital Media and I am looking so forward to stretching the boundaries of what I know into the possibilities of what could be with just a touch of creativity.

This semester my classes are dealing with Photoshop, Math (appreciation), a bit of history, web design, and art. I’m excited about all of them – especially my art class. You all may be thinking, oh yes, art… drawing, painting and the like. No. This is bio art. huh?! Yes, that was my reaction also when I heard of the class. Pulling away from traditional art, bio art is at the intersection of biology, art and technology. I’ve only been to one class, but I am looking forward to learning more of this interesting, obscure emerging field.

Not that this ‘defines’ bio art, but Jon McCormack is an artist I was researching a bit about in preparation for a project. He designed this cool program. I don’t know much about it as I’ve only just begun to read about it, but I think it was designed to evolve dna and he creates art pieces around the results. It’s pretty neat and I encourage you to check him out.

I’m really liking my school also. It’s a fairly tiny school and it’s dedicated to technology. It’s fantastic – I’m surrounded by like minded people who love computers, games or at the very least, appreciate those who do. It seems that two of the most popular majors at the school are Game Art & Animation and Game Design but there are lots of other technology based majors available. The first acronym that I encountered (and on my first day of orientation even) was Net Sec… say that fast without it coming out as nutsack… riiiight.

Have I mentioned I’m in the desert? Here’s my apartment:

Evie's Apartment in the Desert

Cute, right? Just kidding. Phoenix is actually a really nice place. There are lots of palm trees – it kind of reminds me of when I was in California with Michael several years ago. Really, who can beat 65-75 degrees in January? I feel kind of guilty… almost like I’m on a really long vacation where I learn stuff. Just watch out for those scorpions.

Well friends, coffee is done brewing and its time for me to be off to school soon. There will be more as it happens. Thanks for coming by today – I know it’s been a really long loooonnnnggg time… like a year! So, thank you for coming back to visit and I look forward to telling many stories about school and more as they happen  🙂


Comments on: "I’m In the Desert…" (1)

  1. Squeee! Welcome back =D

    Also, that art class? Looks AMAZING! Congrats, you, on going back to school – freaking osm adventure. ❤

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